37 FREE content writing tools [2022]

Hi I am Praneeth Kumar. 

In this blog you will learn 37 best and FREE content writing tools for your blog. 

After reading this blog you don’t have to worry about which tool you want to use for your content writing task. 

So, without further ado let’s get started. 

Here is a 30000-foot view of the blog. 

37 Free content writing tools; 

best blogging platform for writers

Holdon, before you learn about the free tools here is some important thing you need to know as context for the blog post.

Whenever you are creating content there are seven major steps involved which are 

  1. Ideas and brainstorming topics.
  2. Research phase for content.
  3. Content writing.
  4. Productivity for writers.
  5. Editing the content.
  6. SEO and multimedia.
  7. Publishing and analysing the content performance.

and we are going to look at some amazing tools which can help you in the process of all the steps involved in content writing.

Lets dive right in!

  1. Ideas and brainstorming. 

The tools mentioned in this list will help you come up with amazing ideas and brainstorm new ideas and topics for your content before you start working on the content creation part. 

Let’s have a look at the tools and how it can help you in brainstorming different ideas before writing content. 

This is a free tool of HubSpot which you can use to generate up to 250 blog topic ideas from any single keyword within a matter of a few clicks and seconds. 

You can also download the topic ideas to your desktop and there is no limit for how many keywords you can use and it is totally free of cost. 

This tool will give you more ideas and blog topics that you can target and start writing content around that particular keyword on your blog. 

This is a popular tool by Google which helps you add notes, lists and share and collaborate with them. 

Sometimes for some people they may get amazing content ideas for blogs while walking, swimming, bathing and doing other household activities apart from working on your blog actively and far from your desktop. 

This happens with me quite a lot. 

I am quite more creative in coming up with ideas when I am running and walking on the road not actively working on my blog so I can easily note down those ideas quickly using this app and share with my team members easily using this app on my phone itself. 

This tool synchronizes across all your devices. 

By the way you can also download this application on your mobile phone and use it whenever you want and instantly share and collaborate with notes and lists with other people and also so keep amazing reminders, many other features for free. 

Quora and Reddit are one of the most popular website and social media platforms on the Internet where people visit and discuss a lot of things under the sun. 

These are qna websites like forums and people ask and answer questions and discuss about things quite a lot. 

You can use this tool to find subreddits and Quora groups on these platforms and use the search feature to find questions that people are searching for and discussing about related to your blog topic. 

Using this platforms it can give you a good idea about what are the topics and problems That people are facing related to your niche. 

You can come up with amazing topic ideas for your blog which you can start targeting and writing because those are the ideas and topics that people are actually searching for and discussing on forums as well actively. 

This is a freemium keyword research tool. 

Unlike most keyword research tools this is a tool which gives you keyword ideas related to your target keyword in the form of beautiful questions and prepositions that people are actually searching for on different platforms like forums, social media and also on search engines. 

Like most other keyword research tools you can also download the total keyword ideas to your desktop. 

free keyword research tools

You can use this tool to find related questions and subheadings that you can include in your blog post or come up with new questions and topics for your target keyword which can become individual blog posts. 

Unfortunately you can only use two keyword searches for every day and you will have to upgrade to a premium plan to get unlimited searches everyday. 

For more list of Amazing free keyword research tools, I would highly recommend you to read my guide on free keyword research tools list. 

This is another popular freemium tool which you can use to find amazing content ideas for your target keyword 

But unlike most other keyword research tools this tool will give you content ideas from top performing content around the keyword through audience engagement with that content on social platforms. 

This tool will account and analyse content which has lots of social shares and backlinks and suggest you topic ideas for your blog. 

This is another freemium tool you can use to come up with amazing content ideas for your blogs which are performing well in terms of audience engagement. 

This is a free tool of Google you can use to organise your keywords in a tabular form like this. 

free link building tools

This tool can help you have a better picture of which content ideas you are actually working on creating content at present and which are scheduled in future. 

So far these are my best free tools for brainstorming ideas for blogs. 

2. Research phase. 

The tools which I am about to share with you will help you enormously in doing the research for the blogs and content you will be writing in your posts. 

Let’s take a look at them. 

This is a free chrome extension that you can install on your browser. 

Using this extension you can convert all the chrome tabs into links in a single click. 

Hence it can save up to 95% memory and reduce tab clutter when you are researching content and information for your blogs. 

This extension is used by over 2 million+ users worldwide. 

This is a great tool to do research for content easily. 

This is another free chrome extension just like one tab. 

You can use this tool to highlight text on web pages and pdfs with multiple colours,  

You can use this tool to highlight text on web pages and pdfs with multiple colours, organise those important pages and documents into many folders and sub folders, collaborate and share those files with others. 

This is amazing tool which is used by many popular educational institutions like Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Chicago, Cambridge, Oxford university students for their research purposes. 

This tool can save you at least three hours of time every week by helping you organise and highlight important text and files at a single place and collaborate with them. 

More than 500000 users use this tool so should you. 

This is free tool of Google which you can use to find trend and popularity of any keyword and topic on the Google platforms. 

If you got 2 or more similar keywords while brainstorming, you can use this tool to find popularity and

trend of those individual keywords in Google trends and You can select the best Keyword based on popularity in those specific location, time period and Platform. 

Using this tool you can check the total word count of your competitors website and blog post to determine the quality of content published by your competitors on their website. 

Using this tool you can also determine how much words blog post you should be publishing on your blog to be able to compete and outrank your competitors in Google search results. 

More word count more often correlates to more quality information in the blogs and higher rankings in Google search results with more traffic, social shares and backlinks as well. 

This is a free Chrome extension that you can download on your browser and just like the name refers to, 

Using this tool you can highlight the important points, sentences and paragraph while reading and researching the content and information for your blog posts on other web pages. 

You can highlight text with a simple right click using this tool. 

All highlighted texts are saved so that your highlights are not lost when exiting a page! Simply re-opening that page will bring back all the highlights.  

This is amazing tool you can use to do research for your blogs. 

This is a similar search engine like Google but using this tool you can find results of scholarly literature. 

From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites. 

This is another great tool you can use to do extensive research before writing blog and content. 

You can consider using this tool along with normal Google search engine in a mutual partnership to do research for your blog. 

Internet is hugely occupied by fake information in terms of blogs, videos, in such a case, if your content has to stand out from the competition then your content needs to be unique and trusted. 

There is no alternative for that. 

That is where statistics and data from case studies come into play, by just including the relevant statistics and data you can make your content highly trusted for users, but unique and better than other blogs on the internet. 

The problem is finding statistics for different niches and topics and thankfully we have a free solution for that in the form of this tool. 

Statista is a German based company and on their website they claims to have more than 1,000,000 statistics on more than 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources and 170 different industries. 

There is both a free and paid version of this website and using this website you can find amazing list of statistics and data for any category and niche for your blogs. 

There are also beautiful and attractive charts, graphs and tables you can download from this website for free. 

This is a free chrome extension that you can use to discover keywords that your competitors are using on their webpage. 

This is another free research tool you can use to find common keywords that your competitors are using on their blogs that you don’t and you can include those keywords in your blog post to rank your blog higher in search results. 

You can also get keyword search volume, competition level and other important keyword research metrics in a single click. 

These are my favourite and top tools to do research for the blog and content for FREE. 

3. Content writing. 

These tools will help you in writing content for your blogs and content. 

Let’s take a look at them. 

Google docs is one of the best and free content writing tools which I use for writing content. 

The best thing about this tool is that you don’t have to press the save button again after writing in the tool. 

All the content is automatically saved to cloud storage drive. 

You can also collaborate the content write comments and do editing with others as well. 

You can share the content with different permissions as well. 

Another thing I really like is drive research tool which looks like this, 

You can also get amazing list of add-ons and many more things with this tool. 

I simply love this one for writing content, this is my No.1 go to platform. 

If you prefer writing content directly in WordPress then you can consider installing this plugin called classic editor to your WordPress website. 

This plugin will remove the default block editor in WordPress with classic version which You can find in Google docs as well like this, 

It is distraction free and good for writing content and you can do all the settings and formatting in one place using this plugin. 

If you are tired of writing words with fingers, you can consider using this tool to convert the speech and sound into words and text which later copy and paste into your content piece. 

This can save you a lot of time energy from writing content with hand. 

This is another free tool like Google docs but created by Microsoft. 

Using this tool, you can easily write, edit, share, format, review and do lots of amazing things with this tool from Microsoft. 

You can also use voice typing with this tool like you can do in Google docs. 

This is a perfect alternative for Google docs which I really love using when Google docs gets crashed or does not work sometimes. 

If you are new to blogging and content writing, there are lots of types of content you should be publishing on your blog like how to guides, list posts, expert roundups and much more. 

To create perfect piece of content you can consider downloading the free blog templates from HubSpot for creating excellent piece of content. 

The templates will help you guide and walk you through how you can create content that both engages readers and helps you rank in Google 

These are my favourite tools to write content for blogs. 

4. Productivity tools for writers. 

Here are my 4 best and free productivity content writing tools for writers and bloggers like you and me. 

Lets dive right in. 

If you are working on creating content in your office and you are so distracted by the noise and sound of your colleagues talking then you can consider using this tool. 

This tool will help you with giving sounds of different nature things like wind, rain, storms and other things which can keep you away from distraction and noise from your office and work on your blog, relax and focus on to create content creatively. 

Just plugin ear phones and you are done. 

This is another free Chrome extension that you can install on your browser and what this does is, 

It will help you work on writing content by blocking websites which distract you for a specific period of time. 

Unlike other website blockers this one is quite different and what this does is, 

When you block the websites and add the timer, you have to enter a secret which You know and hide from your friends and if you terminate the timer in the middle of writing, the secret gets revealed to your friends. 

This works on pomodoro technique. 

And you will get a report of all the websites which take a lot of your time and you can get more aware of where you spend most of your time and help you manage your time more effectively. 

That is COOL. 

Btw if you are looking for an alternative You can try stay focused extension which is a similar tool for blocking websites and help you stay productive in your work and save time. 

If you want distraction free white space editor for writing content consider using this tool. 

This is completely white and free from distractions and settings you can do. 

Just visit this tool and start writing without worrying about editing, formatting and other things which can distract you. 

If you have a lot of procrastination habit or not consistent on working on creating content. 

Consider using this free tool. 

This tool is named correctly for what it does. 

It is dangerous because once you start writing in this tool, if you stop the writing process for at least 5 seconds or more then the tool will automatically delete all the work and content that you have written previously without your control on it. 

This tool is designed for writers to overcome writer’s block and be creative in their work and start typing text without worrying about editing and formatting in the process. 

All you need to do is decide a time period and start writing. 


These are my favourite productivity tools for writing content for bloggers and freelance writers. 

5. Editing the content.

After you have written the blog content, its time to do some editing and proofreading of the blog to identify and remove errors in the content and there are a few free tools which you can use to make the process easier. 

Lets take a look at them. 

Grammarly is a freemium chrome extension that you can install in your browser and whenever you type anything on your desktop like sending an email or writing content on your WordPress website or on a Google document

this tool will scan all the paragraphs that you have written and find spelling and punctuation or sentence errors in that paragraph and highlight those errors so that you can easily correct them within a single click. 

This tool can save you a lot of time in finding and removing the punctuation and spelling errors while writing content for your blog so that you don’t have to read the blog again and again to find the errors. 

If you purchase the premium version of this tool, you can get access to a lot of other things like Plagiarism detector and get more advanced features of this tool like removing more errors and improving readability. 

Prowritingaid is a better alternative for this tool if you don’t want to use this one and prowritingaid is also a freemium tool which identifies the spelling, punctuation, sentence errors in your content. 

This is a great tool for editing the content. 

This is a free online tool which you can use to find synonyms of words that you can use to avoid repetition of words in your content like clichés and find amazing alternatives and interesting words for any given word which engages readers with the content. 

You can also antonyms for words as well. 

Plagiarism is taking someone’s work and content as your own without giving a credit to them. 

It is a illegal thing and a serious violation of copyright. 

Hence you should avoid that as much as possible. 

Thankfully you can do that easily using this tool. 

Dupli checker will help you find plagiarised content from your blog and you can replace that content with fresh words or let the tool do the job for you. 

You can check the plagiarism of content by either entering a file in pdf, txt or .docx format, etc or enter a URL or paste words. 

In the free plan you can check plagiarism of content with a limit of up to 1000 words. 

This is a great free tool to check plagiarism and you can also consider other alternatives of this tool like copyscape and plagiarism detector which can also work fine to identify and help you remove the plagiarism from your content. 

This is another popular tool you can use to create better content by editing the content and improve the readability score of your blog Content. 

Unlike most other tools mentioned in this list this is a free tool there is no premium plan for this one. 

Using this tool, when you copy and paste the content you have written in your Google document or other writing tool into this tool,

this tool will highlight all the paragraphs and sentences which are hard to read and understand for users In different colours and give you a overall readability score of your content. 

This is another great tool you can use to edit the blog post and improve the reliability and proofread your content. 

This is a free tool which does very well as what it is named as. 

Yes, finding clichés. 

This tool will find clichés in your writing and help you improve your writing quality and improve engagement of readers with content. 

So these are my favourite and top content editing tools at present. 

6. SEO and media. 

The following tools I share with you will help you optimise your blog content for SEO and help you get more multimedia for your blog and content. 

The stats are that blog posts with at least 1 image will help you get 94% more traffic than blog without images and media. 

And we all know SEO is the only way to drive consistent targeted traffic to a blog and content online for FREE. 

Hence media and SEO is very important for content and let’s have a look at the free tools to get things done in detail. 

If you have a website built on WordPress, I would definitely recommend you to install this plug-In Rank math which will help you optimise your blog on page SEO properly. 

There are a lot of other things that this plugin does like redirections, schema markup, XML sitemaps and finding broken links. 

This is one of the best plugins you can install on WordPress website and optimise your blog for search engines. 

Canva is a freemium graphic design tool you can use to create graphic design posts for content that you can publish on your blog. 

You can create custom images, infographics, slides, logos, Pinterest pins, social media posts, and much more in a easy drag and drop builder. 

There is also a premium version of this tool with more features and options for 12$ a month. 

I would highly recommend you to read my ultimate guide on Canva review. 

Venn gage is a similar tool like Canva but mostly focused on creating infographics. 

You can easily create and download Amazing infographics within a matter of minutes using lots of free templates in a easy drag and drop builder. 

If I were to compare venngage with Canva in terms of infographics maker then venngage is the best tool for infographics alone because it is specialized for creating infographics. 

This is a free Chrome extension that you can install on your browser and using this tool you can take screenshot of any webpage and of your screen on your desktop within a matter of a few clicks. 

You can also edit the screenshot and add Arrow marks and write text on the screenshot and do other editing things like something shown below. 

Screenshots are very much important in writing content because for example if you are writing a review of a product then

including a screenshot in your content will let people know that you are actually using the product/tool and software that you are recommending in your blog and that helps you to make your content unique and stand out from the competition. 

People will take your advice and buy that product because you also use that software or tool which reflects in the screenshots that you take of you using that product. 

Apart from taking screenshots, you can also take a screen recording of your desktop which can help you in making videos as well using this tool. 

It does not matter how good and unique your content is in your blog, if you don’t create an attractive title and headline for that blog. 

No one, I mean no one will read that blog. 

Why because, people will see and read your title first before they read your content in blog both in search results and in social media. 

You got a few seconds of time to catch the reader’s attention right and to get readers hooked with title and read your blog and stay on your blog longer. 

Coschedule Headline analyser does that thing very well. 

Analysing the headlines and giving you a great analysis and report of your headlines and important data like, Readability, SEO score, clarity, skim ability, word count, character count, emotional words, and much more. 

There is also a free chrome extension that you can download on your browser to check the headlines score of your competitor websites and get some inspiration and ideas. 

This is a great tool for analysing headlines for your content and blogs. 

Emv headline analyser is a perfect alternative for this tool to check the effectiveness of headlines of your content and guess what. 

It is FREE. 

This is a free tool you can use to compress the size of the images that you select to upload on your website and turn them into shorter image formats like JPEG, and webp formats. 

Compressing the image size is one of the biggest things you can do to improve the loading speed of the webpage and webpage loading speed is one of the biggest User experience factors. 

If you don’t include images and multimedia in your content, it can be less engaging for people to read. 

If you don’t compress size of images in your content, web page takes a lot of time to load and people leave web page and bounce away without reading your blog and content. 

Hence, compressing the size of the image is very crucial part of content creation. 

If you are using WordPress website then I would highly recommend you to install plugin called WP Smush which will automatically compress the images as you upload them to WordPress for FREE. 

If you don’t have enough time to create custom images with Canva,  

You can consider downloading royalty free stock photos from pixabay and unsplash. 

There are 3+ million copyright free stock photos that you can download from pixabay and unsplash in various categories from health to life and business for absolutely free of cost and you can use it for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. 

These 2 are great tools for content creation. 

 These are my favorite seo tools for content writing purpose so far.

7. Publish and analyse the content. 

After you publish the blog content on your website, you can use these tools to analyse your blog content and improve the conversions. 

Let’s dive right in. 

This is a free tool you can use to connect your website with Google search console and analyse how your website and how your blog post are performing in Google search results. 

You can see the total impressions, clicks, CTR and average position of your blogs in Google. 

You can also see the traffic location, device and pages, etc. 

You can also see all the errors and issues that are holding your website back from getting more traffic from search engine. 

This is a great tool you can use to analyse your website and performance of your content in Google. 


This is another free tool you can use to see how people interact with your website on the internet in general. 

Although you won’t find any technical issues and errors with your website. 

You can see how people are interacting with your website like bounce rate dwell time and traffic coming to your website. 

You can see top pages, real time data, track conversions and other important metrics related to your website performance. 

This is another great tool you can use to improve your website conversion by looking at how users are interacting with your website in general. 

These are my 2 and best free tools I use to analyse and optimize my website content and get more traffic and conversions. 

If you are still struggling with writing content for your blog you can read my guide on how to write blog posts.

With that said let’s conclude the blog post. 

Ending remarks; 

These are all the best and free content writing tools. 

Do comment down which tool is best and you like using for your content writing purposes. 

Share the post with your family and friends if you have found it helpful. 

Sharing is caring. 

I will catch you next time till then keep learning and keep growing.